Thursday, July 1, 2010

From balcony to Garden; the beginning.

You roam about town for farmer's markets.
When you see good produce, you buy it in bulk and freeze some.
You are envious of your friend's yard space, and annoyed that she uses none of that space for gardening. I know the feeling.

After years of shuffling around from apartment to apartment and only dreaming of a yard full of cucumbers and onions, I thought, why can't I just grow stuff on my balcony? Flowers grow in pots, why can't vegetables? So here I am, ready to dive in and transform my 5 x 10 foot balcony into a garden. A real one. I am ready to discover (much by trial and error, and much by suggestions) gardening techniques that require no yard. We'll find the best organic ideas for pest control, fertilizing, and of course, the best deals around for cute planters and alternative ideas for just about everything. (And yes, we'll figure out how you can get around those pesky property rules!) This will be a start to finish endeavor (an amateur one, at that) of the transformation from my boring balcony now: 
to a functional, eclectic balcony garden. 
Check out these beautiful balcony gardens that others have created:
 Now keep in mind... I am no pro. In fact, my mom gives me plants from her CSA (shout out to Natural Springs Garden!) in Austin, Texas and then days later calls in to check on them. She often reminds me to water, and then she is there when they aren't doing so well. I have, on more than one occasion, dropped potted plants off to her to "doctor" so that she can return them to me when they are blooming again.

I would like to think that some of her gardening talents have been passed on to me. I plan to turn my thumbs green and utilize all the space I have. If you're interested, please follow along. If you're brave, join the adventure. Feel free to send me your photos and tips to contribute! Together, we will be picking cherry tomatoes and snipping rosemary in no time!

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