With that, I arranged a baker's rack (a Goodwill find for $18, re-painted from gold to periwinkle!) to suit a few of the plant's needs. The baker's rack system is great so far! It's so easy to create space with shelves, and it took care of the problem I was having watering, where all my water would pour out of the bottom of my pots and onto the balcony below me (and probably the balcony below them, too! oops!) This way, I can water on the upper shelves and the plants on the shelves below drink up the water that trickles through, minimizing the amount that hits the balcony floor. Perfecto! Here's a quick peek:
If you choose to use a baker's rack system, be sure and check the soil before watering all plants. You don't want to over-water! (Wilting leaves often are a sign of over watering.) Use the finger test - stick your finger 1 inch deep into the soil. If the soil at the tip of your finger feels wet, don't water. If it's dry, water away! In this photo, I had removed some plants that didn't need watering and set them off in the shade while the other's got a drink.
Here are some facts I put together about the plants I'm growing, to help you (and me!) arrange the baker's rack according to each plant's sun and water needs.
**Happy growing!**
What a great find! A good way to maximize your limited space by going vertical. LOVE the color!