Monday, August 23, 2010

Gardening Gloves Galore

My sewing machine is currently broken. It's sad, but very true. As soon as it is repaired...or replaced, depending on the poor thing's situation, I will all over this adorable tutorial on how to make your very own pair of gardening gloves. It's so cute, I'm already lurking etsy for cute fabrics.  I am just too excited to not share it!! It is a *very* easy tutorial that anyone can do. I bet you could even use stitch witchery! Jump on this tutorial and show me your creation!


  1. Hi Shantell and Welcome to Blotanical. Would love gloves without making them!

  2. @Karla, Use stitch witchery! Just pin the witchery in place (inside out) iron and flip. VWALA!

    @catherine, Thank you! I am excited to be a part of blotanical and dive deeper into the world of garden blogging! Thanks for looking!
